
Product updates and important announcements

🚀 Introducing Hero AI Assistant: Your Ultimate Monday Hero Companion!

New Feature

We're thrilled to introduce a game-changing addition to our platform: the Hero AI Assistant. With this cutting-edge feature, Monday Hero becomes more than just a development tool – it becomes your indispensable coding companion.

Here's what you can expect from the Hero AI Assistant:



  • URL Format Validation
  • Alphabetic Only Validation
  • Numeric Only Validation
  • Password Strength Validation
  • Pattern Matching (Regex) Validation
  • Email Format Validation
  • Alphanumeric Validation
  • Minimum Length Validation
  • Maximum Length Validation
  • Required Field Validation
  • Custom Validation


Bug Fixes:

  • Custom Bug Fix
  • Layout Overflow Bug Fix


Code Conversion:

  • Convert to a Specified Dev-Lang
  • Convert to SwiftUI
  • Convert to Kotlin
  • Convert to React
  • Convert to React Native


UI Manipulation:

  • Make An Element Parametric for Dynamic Content
  • Make All Elements Parametric for Dynamic Content
  • Center the Title in a Button
  • Rename a UI Element
  • Remove All Suffixes
  • Remove a Suffix


Other Features:

  • Explain Code
  • Translate to Another Language
  • Improve JSON Key Readability
  • Get the Full Code


Here is how it looks with a screen code.

Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 12.27.27

With Hero AI Assistant, you can fix bugs, convert code to different languages, discuss coding concepts, and more – all within Monday Hero.


Thank you for being part of our journey as we continue to innovate and empower developers worldwide.


Hero AI Assistant (Monday Hero ChatGPT Entegration)

With Hero AI Assistant, you'll be able to use Monday Hero to fix bugs, convert to development languages it doesn't support yet, or discuss anything related to the code. Here's what you can expect from the Hero AI Assistant: Validation: Ensure data integrity with URL, alphabetic, numeric, and more validations. Bug Fixes: Quickly resolve issues like layout overflow with custom bug fixes. Code Conversion: Seamlessly convert code to various development languages. UI Manipulation: Customize UI elements and enhance user experiences effortlessly. Other Features: Dive deeper into code explanations, translations, and more.

Nazli Temurtas


